Presentations and meeting notes

Can technology be a force for good in delivering a fair climate future? explored the role of digital technology regarding the climate crisis and social justice. The event looked at both how technology can mobilise change and empower people to act, but also how to overcome any barriers and the risks of our increasing reliance on digital technologies. 

The ideas in this document are those of the panellists and video contributors –full credit must be attributed to them. Find out more about the speakers at the end of this summary.



Sustainability First’s ‘Reconnecting’ exhibition at the Bermondsey Project Space, is about making connections to each other, nature and technology during the Covid-19 pandemic. The exhibition is split into two parts, featuring artworks by Hugo Lami, Sustainability First’s artist in residence at UK Power Networks (first floor), and shortlisted works from the Sustainability First Art Prize 2020 (ground floor and basement). Each showcase has a separate catalogue.

This catalogue covers a series of work by Hugo Lami, including an installation, photographs and sculptures that use e-waste to explore the interconnectedness of nature, technology, energy and life. By breaking down e-waste and putting it back together, Hugo’s work highlights the ways in which technology mimics nature and how the two are co-dependent.


Sustainability First’s ‘Reconnecting’ exhibition at the Bermondsey Project Space, is about making connections to each other, nature and technology during the Covid-19 pandemic.

The exhibition is split into two parts, featuring artworks by Hugo Lami, Sustainability First’s artist in residence at UK Power Networks (first floor), and shortlisted works from the Sustainability First Art Prize 2020 (ground floor and basement). Each showcase has a separate catalogue.

This catalogue covers shortlisted and prizewinning works from the Sustainability First Art Prize 2020. Artists share their experiences of the Covid-19 pandemic and highlight that we cannot return to business as usual in our recovery.


This event looked at what the impacts of climate and environmental change are for communities in the UKVideo contributorsshared their lived experiences of the impacts of climate change, including flooding, air pollution, extreme storms and sea level rise. They spoke about the consequences for their communities and families, livelihoods, jobs, and health and wellbeing. The impacts of climate change are not a distant future, but a reality for people across the world and inthe UK today.   

The ideas in this document are those of the panellists and video contributors – full credit must be attributed to them. Find out more about the speakers at the end of this summary. 


How can we live more sustainably? This event explored the social and environment impacts of our actions as individuals and communities. It shared practical tips and ideas for living more sustainably as individuals, from cutting our carbon emissions to raising our voices on climate issues. It also looked at how we link these with wider systems changes and the actions needed by business and government to support this change.

The ideas in this document are those of the panellists and video contributors – full credit must be attributed to them. Find out more about the speakers at the end of this summary.


What do we value in society? considered how social values may have shifted through the Covid-19 crisis and lockdowns, as well as what values we need to live more sustainably and how these can be put into action.

The ideas presented here are those of the panellists and video contributors - full credit must be attributed to them. Find out more about the speakers at the end of this summary. 


Voices for the Future shared creative visions for a more sustainable future. It set out actions needed today and in the years ahead to realise those visions. And discussed how to ensure a diversity of views shape the UK’s response to the climate crisis and build a fairer society.

The ideas presented in this summary note are those of the panellists and video contributors - full credit must be attributed to them.

