Our team
Our team
David Murray
David MurrayDirector
David joined as Executive Director in May 2022, from humanitarian charity Article 25, where he was Managing Director. He has over 17 years of experience in the charity sector, and has championed active urban travel infrastructure and conservation.
Maxine Frerk
Maxine FrerkAssociate
Maxine Frerk has wide regulatory experience including 15 years in Ofgem in senior roles. She also holds a position as non-executive director for Scottish and Southern Electricity Networks (SSEN)
Dr Martin Hurst
Dr Martin HurstAssociate
Dr Martin Hurst was a senior civil servant on environmental issues for 20 years, including as Water Director in government and Environment Advisor in Number 10, and is by background a professional economist.
Clare Dudeney
Clare DudeneyAssociate
Clare worked on the Fair Transition project, focussing on stakeholder and citizen engagement. She led the Together for a Fair Climate Future programme developing creative and collaborative responses to the climate crisis and social justice issues. She is also a fine artist and curator.
Zoe McLeod
Zoe McLeodAssociate
Zoe McLeod is an Associate, with consumer policy and regulatory expertise. She has a particular focus on energy, water, innovation and consumer vulnerability and engagement issues.
Martin Crouch
Martin CrouchAssociate
Martin specialises on the future of the energy sector and more broadly; regulation, innovation and infrastructure. His interests include enabling digital and business model innovation and aligning the interests of infrastructure investors with customers' interests. He is a former Senior Partner at Ofgem where he oversaw Ofgem’s horizon scanning and sustainability work, its Chief Economist’s office and Innovation Link and Enforcement functions.
Judith Ward
Judith WardAssociate
Judith Ward has worked with Sustainability First since 2005 and is a former director. She is an energy policy professional with long-standing practical experience of both the utility and consumer worlds.
George Day
George DayAssociate
George Day is a senior policy and regulatory economist in water, energy, environment and agriculture. He was a senior Ofwat director and is a senior advisor on Net Zero at Energy Systems Catapult.
Sophie Grinnell
Sophie GrinnellResearcher
Sophie Grinnell joined in 2022 as our Research Officer. She has a strong research and academic background with degrees in Environmental Engineering and Water, Energy and the Environment. Her doctorate (2019) examined the social impacts of hydraulic fracturing on communities. She is also a part-time associate lecturer at Cardiff Met University.
William Baker
William BakerAssociate
William has over 20 years of experience in research, commissioning research and advocacy on the topics of fuel poverty, fair transition to net zero and energy advice. He has worked for Energy Systems Catapult, Citizens Advice, Consumer Focus and the Centre for Sustainable Energy. He is also a trustee of the Fuel Poverty Research Network.
Clare Davidson
Clare DavidsonCommunication, public affairs and outreach
Clare is responsible for developing communication and public affairs across the website, social media and press. She also works on outreach work and recently worked on the Fair Transition project. She has ten years' journalism experience including at the BBC.
